大西 弘志 ONISHI Hiroshi
E-mail: onishi@
所属/理工学部システム創成工学科 社会基盤・環境コース 教授
Professor, Department of Systems Innovation Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering
Maintenance Engineering, Structural Engineering, Bridge Engineering |
- 橋梁の簡易性能評価手法の開発
- 被災地域内橋梁データベースの作成
- 耐久性に優れた複合構造の開発
Study in RCRDM, Theme of Activities
- Development of Simplified Performance Evaluation Method for Road Bridges
- Development of Bridge Database in Disaster Area of the Tohoku Earthquake
- Development of Durable Hybrid or Composite Structures
小山田 哲也 OYAMADA Tetsuya
E-mail: oyamada@
所属/理工学部システム創成工学科 社会基盤・環境コース 教授
Professor, Department of Systems Innovation Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering
Concrete Engineering, Concrete Structural Engineering, Highway Engineering |
- コンクリート構造物の耐震性および耐久性
- コンクリート構造物の被災調査および耐久性診断
- 廃棄物の建設材料としての有効利用
Study in RCRDM, Theme of Activities
- Earthquake Resistance and Durability of Concrete Structure
- Investigation and Durability Diagnosis of Concrete Structure
- Effective Use as a Construction Material of Waste
杭田 俊之 KUITA Toshiyuki
E-mail: tkuita@
所属/人文社会科学部地域政策課程 教授
Associate Professor, Department of Human Sciences and Cultural Studies, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Evolutionary economics |
Study in RCRDM, Theme of Activities
- Reconstruction pf fishery industry and community in Kamaishi
小林 宏一郎 KOBAYASHI Koichiro
E-mail: kobaya@
所属/理工学部システム創成工学科 電気電子通信コース 教授
Professor, Department of Systems Innovation Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering
Bioelectric and Biomagnetic measurement, Electronic Measurement Engineering, Non-Destructive Test |
Study in RCRDM, Theme of Activities
- Research of the Sensor for Refuge Support and Health Support at the Time
of a Disaster
田中 隆充 TANAKA Takamitsu
E-mail: taktak@
所属/人文社会科学部人間文化課程/理工学研究科博士後期課程デザイン・メディア工学専攻 教授
Professor, Department of Human Sciences and Cultural Studies, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Design |
- スマートフォン等を活用した災害時における避難誘導システムの開発
Study in RCRDM, Theme of Activities
- Development of Application of Evacuation in Tsunami Using a Smart Device
谷本 真佑 TANIMOTO Shinsuke
E-mail: stani@
所属/理工学部システム創成工学科 社会基盤・環境コース 准教授
Associate Professor, Department of Systems Innovation Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering
Traffic Planning, Urban Planning, Regional Planning Test |
Study in RCRDM, Theme of Activities
- Reconstraction of Region from Tsunami Disaster
今野 晃市 KONNO Koichi
E-mail: konno@
所属/理工学部システム創成工学科 知能・メディア情報コース 教授
Professor, Department of Systems Innovation Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering
Computer Graphics, Archaeological Information |
Study in RCRDM, Theme of Activities
- Reconstraction of Region from Tsunami Disaster
本間 尚樹 HONMA Naoki
E-mail: honma@
所属/理工学部システム創成工学科 電気電子通信コース 教授
Professor, Department of Systems Innovation Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering
Wireless Communication, Antenna Engineering |
Study in RCRDM, Theme of Activities
- Evacuation Support and Safety Confirmation System
- Non-Contact Health Monitoring System
|  |
松岡 勝実 MATSUOKA Katsumi
E-mail: katsumi@
所属/人文社会科学部 地域政策課程 教授
Professor, Department of Regional Policy, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Disaster Law, Land Law |
- Disaster Recovery and Spatial Planning
- Issues in Land Use on Disaster Reconstruction
南 正昭 MINAMI Masaaki
E-mail: minami@
所属/理工学部システム創成工学科 社会基盤・環境コース 教授
Professor, Department of Systems Innovation Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering
Infrastructure Planning and Management, City and Transportation Planning |
Study in RCRDM, Theme of Activities
- Reconstruction and Community Development
杉田 早苗 SUGITA sanae
E-mail: ssugita@
所属/農学部 食料生産環境学科 農村地域デザインコース 准教授
Associate Professor, Department of Food Production and Environmental Studies, Rural Area Design Course, Faculty of Agriculture
Urban and Regional Planning, Urban Development, Community Design |
Study in RCRDM, Theme of Activities
- Reconstraction of Region from Tsunami Disaster
The division seeks research work to create disaster resilient cities based on the lessons learned from the 2011 disaster, and pursues community development and reconstruction from tangible and intangible aspects in the following three fields.
(1) 地域計画分野 Regional Planning Field
This field looks into community development for disaster management and reconstruction from an intangible perspective. In terms of the 2011 disaster, conventional disaster management systems in affected municipalities and communities are reviewed, and related challenges are organized to identify the ideal state of a tsunami-resilient community.
(2) 社会基盤分野 Civil Engineering Field
This field looks at disaster management from a tangible perspective. A great number of facilities and buildings were destroyed by the tsunami after the 2011 earthquake. Problems related to structures and allocations are identified for the sake of better civil engineering design and arrangement of buildings, to make them more resistant to disasters.
(3) 災害情報分野 Disaster Information System Field
This field looks at disaster management from the perspective of information. Communication was lost right after the 2011 disaster within affected areas as well as between affected areas and unaffected areas. This loss of communication had a serious impact on rescue work, security and the distribution of supplies. This field also involves research work to build disaster information systems that are truly effective during a disaster.